My sister has this monologue she does every so often about how the worst gift in the world is a chocolate crucifix, because what are you going to do with it? You can’t eat it she insists. You can’t throw it away. It won’t last forever, so displaying it for an extended period is out. These, she reasons, are the main reasons a chocolate crucifix is the worst gift ever.
I don’t think she even knows about My Sweet Lord by Canadian artist Cosimo Cavallaro.
I was thinking about chocolate crucifixes as I stood in front of the candy mold selection at Michael’s this afternoon. (They didn’t carry a crucifix mold–but that may be because they’re stocking up for Halloween, not Easter. I’m making Pop Rocks Truffles.
Actually, I think I can one-up my sister on the worst gift ever:
For just under $60, you can buy a crucifix dildo. That’s not a link for the easily-offended. Consider yourself warned.
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