We’ve Decided to Convert*

After nearly 14 years as Episcopalians, we’ve decided to convert, but since the 52 Churches project has been public, we’re enlisting your help to decide what we’ll convert to. The following are the finalist religions, one of which we will covert to at 9pm tonight, unless the conversion practices of the religion are more time-consuming, in which case we’ll just begin the process this evening:

Dianic Wiccan
Fire-Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas
Gideon Bible Society
Independent Old Roman Catholic Hungarian Orthodox Church of America
Latter Day Saints
New Age
Old Order Amish
Path of the Heart Movement
Tibetan Buddhism
Unitarian – Transylvanian
Way of Supreme Peace

Vote early, and vote often. We’ll begin the tally at 10pm, and announce at 11pm PST.

* (Do check the post date before you freak out).

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4 Responses to We’ve Decided to Convert*

  1. Jen says:

    Farmergirl votes for Jedi and Franciscan, as she plans to be kind to animals and make them wear rosaries. (She apparently does not see these as mutually exclusive).

  2. Our Gra says:

    Since you’re considering using less and less power I encourage the Old Order Amish. We actually know a priest in the Independent Old Roman Catholic Hungarian Orthodox Church of America. He has quite the wine palate.

  3. Jen says:

    My friend, a talented musician and geek culture aficionado writes, “I’m going with Jedi…Or maybe Quaker…That’s probably what I’d really convert to if I were really converting…Yeah, I think Jedi…”

  4. Jen says:

    My eldest brother writes, “I vote for Gideon Bible Society. You might get hotel discounts.”
    “Have you been to a Jedi Temple yet?” (Not unless you count the AMC).
    “Unitarian Transylvanian… is that vampires that will suck your blood regardless of your thoughts on God?” (Not sure–but now I’m hoping this one doesn’t get many votes).

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