Partying like Jesus is in da’ House

Michael informs me that the best ideas are “co-opted” (which is to say, stolen), so it comes as no surprise to me that I stole this particular grumbling from him.

When we lived in Raleigh, our priest, a Tri-Cities boy, waxed poetic about the coffee bars and espresso stands that churches in WA all had. When we ended up at a church that which serves really bad AA-quality coffee (usually something that rhymes with Tracksbell Mouse or Smoldgers), we just knew for certain he must have been yanking our chain. But he wasn’t. It’s true that there are churches serving great java. Michael is a no-cream-no-bean kind of guy, and I didn’t actually get a cup of coffee at St. Ann’s, but they have great (which is to say, fresh) donuts at their coffee hour, which is not high on my list of requirements for a church, but fits in well with my thought that if the church is going to throw a party, it ought to be reflective of the Kingdom of God, and not an afterthought.
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A few months back, I came upon this post, and I just thought, “Ouch.” And I thought ouch because, given its timing, I’m pretty sure it was pointed at me, and my unwillingness to give up breathing* “for the greater good.”

I freely admit that that is my position: I am unwilling to give up breathing.
I’m also unwilling to give up Farmergirl’s lungs. Michael’s unwilling to give up attending church with us.
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Jeep Hair

We became a two-Jeep family last week, and although Michael was insistent that he get a Wrangler with a hardtop, he wants to take it off to enjoy our oppressively sunny Spokane summer. This is fine for him (no hair), and Farmergirl (really really short hair) . . . but the two of them were laughing themselves silly as we drove down the road with the top still on, and the windows open–with my Medusa hair whipping around in the wind.

Jen Medusa
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Week 18: Temple Beth Shalom, 28 Nisan 5768 (2 & 3 May 2008)

Because of a scheduling conflict Sunday morning, we decided to attend the synagogue Friday evening. Temple Beth Shalom had been on our list of services to attend, and the scheduling worked out well this week. We had dinner with Elaine beforehand, who then attended with us, and may add a guest column for this week later. Continue reading

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Week 17: Community of St. Ann’s, 27 April 2008

We can’t become Catholic. Between papal infallibility, transubstantiation, and the call to ordination being limited to less than half the population, there’s some insurmountable philosophical issues that would prevent us from conversion. But if we were Catholic, we’d probably go somewhere like the Community of St. Ann’s.
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Kingdom Hall Announcement 4/27/2008

The number one search that has resulted in hits to the 52 Churches Project in the last few days is from people looking to find out what the Kingdom Hall Announcement of 4/27/2008 was going to be. Continue reading

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Preaching and Practicing the Gospel

This morning, in the shower, my brain posited the following question to myself:

Which is worse:
A church that preaches, but doesn’t practice the Gospel?
or a church that practices, but doesn’t preach the Gospel?

The question was a culmination of interactions I’ve had recently. While on jury duty, I got into a discussion with a retired AF officer on the subject of churches, and told her a little about the 52 project. I think she thought we were church shopping, because she launched into a dissertation on the importance of getting the mission statements and doctrines of the churches in question, on the grounds that there were a lot of churches I might find that supported things she thought I shouldn’t, notably abortion and homosexuality. I refrained from quipping that I had mentioned I was Episcopalian, and that right after we have abortions, we’re assigned gay lovers*. But this whole doctrine thing got me thinking about how much importance I place on doctrine . . . the answer to which seems to be “not much.” Continue reading

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Week 16: Riverstone Community Church, Wesleyan, 20 April 2008

Riverstone Community Church is a tiny Wesleyan church in Post Falls, ID. We overshot their parking lot and ended up in the parking lot of the overwhelmingly large North Country Chapel, which afforded ample opportunity for popping a U-ie and doubling back to our intended church.

When I say that Riverstone is a tiny church, please understand that I never apply that particular adjective to congregations over 25. Continue reading

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Week 15: St. Aloysius, 13 April 2008

We were going to go to St. Ann’s, but their service is at 9am, downtown. We were going to go to Mt. St. Michael’s at 10:30am out on the prairie, but Michael (the hubby, not the saint) said he couldn’t wear a suit* today. Continue reading

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Week 14: Peace Lutheran Church, 6 April 2008

“So much for the gluten-free church,” Michael whispered to me, as we started singing the third hymn that involved the growing of wheat. My mom suffers from Celiac Disease, and we’re ever-vigilant about gluten in our meals at home and out. Actually, as she’s away in Germany visiting my siblings, we bought a pasta maker, and have made quite a bit — after church, it was gnocchi with pesto sauce. Continue reading

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