214: Art Fest

Michael wasn’t really up for Art Fest this weekend, so Farmerteen and I snuck in a visit between seeing Reptileman and our truncated visit to again not pick up completed plans from the engineer.

Whilst there, she thought face-painting might be a good idea.


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215: When in Doubt, Resort to Kittens

I’m not really in doubt . . . but I have pictures of the teeny kitties from right after they opened their eyes, and really, who doesn’t like kittens?






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216: Out in the Barn

I didn’t really mean to take a movie out in the barn. I actually went out to take stills of the kittens.

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217: The Debate

While I was in the store buying the bottle of wine from the last post, the clerk and the bagger and I had a lively debate on whether the wine was meant to placate a bitch, or keep one from forming.

I submitted that I felt the wine was meant to do it for the drinker, as evinced on the back label:


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218: ‘Nuf Said


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219: Baked Asparagus

Sometimes, like roasted cauliflower, a vegetable just needs the right treatment to go from eh to spectacular.
Like cauliflower, a little time in the oven, or on the grill with a coating of olive oil and a shake of sea salt does wonder for asparagus.

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220: Leftover Grilled Corn

What to do with leftover grilled corn on a brisk May evening?


Corn-beans-tomatoes-cilantro-celery-peppers scramble!

I threw in a little chili powder and some cumin seeds to round it out, and served it with a salad.

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221: Omelet, Unscrambled

While I was gone to Maryland, Farmerteen called me to tell me she had made crumps.  As you may or may not suspect, she meant to make crepes (which are surprisingly simple — our friends gave us an in-service one morning, and we’ve been happily making our own ever since), but, as she told me in glorious, tawdry, giggly detail: hers were crumpled, so hers were crumps.

My brother, who was visiting, got on the phone and told me that he makes mounds.  He’d tried for many years to make omelets, only to have the eggs mound up on him into a scrambly, but tasty mess.  He’s since come to terms with his eggs this way, and now he simply offers other people mounds (of eggs, with the filling jumbled in).

I would have taken a picture of my omelet had it not become a mound.  But here is my omelet, unscrambled:


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222: International Fork of Mystery


I don’t think there’s anything mysterious on this plate, with the exception of the floating fork.  Grape tomatoes, grilled corn on the cob, grilled red pepper (which I think officially makes it a pimento), hummus, olices, and cucumbers . . . nope, no mystery, except hos the fork is suspended in the air.

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223: Giles Corey


The variation? Chinese broccoli, which didn’t grill quite as wonderfully as I’d hoped (or anticipated, or wished).

To steal a line from Giles Corey, “More veggie burgers!”

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