If you’ve already read the Holy Cow! post, you know that we doubled back on Kaleo this week. So even though Kaleo had the morning service, it’s week 26a because it has already been counted as one of the 52.
I’m still not sure what to make of the communion. They do it every week, and feel it’s important, but it’s definitely only symbolic, and it’s not particularly corporate, because each of the round tables has a roll and a cup of grape juice, and you rip off a piece yourself and then perform intinction (that is, dip it in the juice) . . . so while everyone is doing it at roughly the same time, it’s still a very individual act.
Our Gra has become too catholic in the past few years to just leave the elements, and insisted on collecting the left-over bread and bringing it home to disperse back into nature, which is a common practice of sacramental churches. I think a few of the rolls were dispersed into the goats, too, which I suspect doesn’t get quite as favourable a nod. (Though if birds or squirrels or voles get the pickings off the pasture, I’m not sure it’s any “worse” for goats to get it on pasture).